Looking extremely forward to the game engine getting serious performance passes. To change this setting, with your mouse, right-click over the Windows desktop and select 'NVIDIA Control Panel' -> from the NVIDIA Control Panel, select the 'Manage 3D settings' from the left column -> click on the Power management mode drop down box and select 'Prefer Maximum Performance'. I created a game profile in nvidia control panel and set power management mode to maximum performance. The above settings (for me) produce the best sustainable solution for my goal. SLI rendering mode = SLI_RENDERING_MODE_FORCE_SINGLE (irrelevant until SLI fixed) Antialiasing - SLI AA - AA_MODE_SELECTOR_SLIAA_ENABLED AA bits = 0x0 - hopefully Ego / NV will come up with a good set for us. Shaders = Low (be interesting to see how these and Shadows turn out after performance passes) VSync = On - remove screen tear / mitigate heat when able to exceed monitor freq. Wild guess at this point, based off watching the raw performance, utilization and seeing a repeatable change (performance decrease) after approx 2min.
Nvidia power management hitching code#
From general analysis so far it seems (to me) some tasks are probably failing, resulting in code entering exception flows more than expected (or a lot). Shooting stations and killing defenses is a good way to kick a hornets nest for performance testing.Ĭampaign appears to have a large amount of work needed to optimize the tasks and stop hitching the system. Read : Windows computer stutters every few seconds. Zero screen hitching, tearing, constant FPS while being attacked by every police or military force in range. Open Control Panel > Manage 3D settings > Select a program to customize > Power management mode > Prefer maximum performance. Goals: Sustained 60fps no matter what at max quality attainable within that primary goal. Tools: nVidia Inspector - If new to this, see this guide following the general steps to create an X-Rebirth profile. Target: SLI Titan / 700 owners (no idea if 680 can manage it) + good CPU (i7+)

Optimal power superseded the previous default, called Adaptive.
Nvidia power management hitching drivers#
This setting was introduced into the company’s video drivers with the GTX 1080, specifically version 368.22 release in May 2016. Until the game engine is optimized for SLI (and hopefully shaders, CPU task threading and everything else) those with SLI can still put'em to work. By default, NVIDIA sets the power management mode of your GPU (be it in card or laptop form) to Optimal power.